About Our School

Plymouth-Canton Montessori School:  Independent • Nonprofit • International • Toddlers through Middle School

I wanted a school

The Essential Nature of the School

Plymouth-Canton Montessori School (PCMS) is an independent, non-profit, international Montessori school.

We nurture intelligence, curiosity, and imagination while supporting and developing each student’s talents. Our goal is to prepare students for life-long learning.

We teach universal values, instill a global perspective, responsible citizenship, and encourage an entrepreneurial spirit.

The aim is to graduate young people who balance their knowledge and character: critical thinkers, and active leaders in their local community.


IMC logo

national association for the education of young children

School History

Kay Neff founded the school’s Primary program as Dearborn Heights Montessori Center in December of 1972. Like many school founders, she wanted to provide a Montessori program for her two sons, who were then ages two and three. The school began with nine students and grew to twenty-five during the first year. ·Plymouth-Canton Montessori School (PCMS) was founded the following fall when six families moved to the Plymouth area.

The Elementary program began at the Dearborn Heights campus in the fall of 1983 and eventually extended through eighth grade. In 2023, recognizing that most of its families had moved toward the Plymouth-Canton community, the school sold its Dearborn Heights campus and began to expand on the Plymouth property.

The Plymouth-Canton Montessori school celebrates fifty years and looks forward to many years ahead of service to the community.

Who are we, and whom do we serve?
PCMS is an independent 501(c)3 non-profit school serving children ages 18 months through 14 years. Classes are mixed-age groups of Toddlers, Primary, Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, and Middle School students.

We provide authentic Montessori educational programs, extended-day opportunities, and a summer day camp.

Days and Hours
We loosely follow the Wayne County Common Calendar, with typical holiday and summer breaks. Classes meet daily during the following hours:

  • Toddler: 8:45-11:45 a.m or 8:45 a.m to 3:30 p.m.
  • Preschool: 8:45-11:45 a.m. or 8:45 a.m. -3:30 p.m.
  • Extended Day (full day) Kindergarten: 8:45 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

Extended Day programs are available before and after class. The building is open from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. on school days.

Are we a real Montessori school?
Yes, we are. However, You should know that the Montessori name is not patented; it is in the public domain, and its use has no restrictions. It is legally possible for a school or childcare center to use the name without following Montessori philosophy or practices. As parents, it is important to learn about Montessori philosophy and the elements that comprise an authentic Montessori program. These include, at a minimum:

  • a five-day per week program for all students
  • multi-age classrooms with a three-year age span at the preschool/kindergarten and elementary levels
  • teachers with Montessori training at the levels they are teaching
  • a complete set of Montessori materials in each classroom
  • affiliations with state and national Montessori organizations

Armed with this knowledge, parents can choose an authentic Montessori school for their children.

PCMS’s toddler, preschool/kindergarten, and extended-day programs are licensed by the Michigan Department of Human Services.

Memberships & Affiliations:
Our toddler, preschool/kindergarten, and extended-day programs are accredited by the International Montessori Council (IMC) and the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), a quality indicator achieved by only 3 percent of childcare programs in Michigan and 8 percent nationally.

The school is affiliated with the American Montessori Society (AMS), Michigan Montessori Society, the International Montessori Council, and AIMS (the Association of Independent Michigan Schools).

The school also works closely with the Montessori Foundation* to ensure authenticity of Montessori curriculum and best practices

Goals for our students:

  • Safety:  Physical and emotional safety for every child is our first priority.
  • Character:  We are committed to helping students develop excellent character, which we define simply as “Doing the right thing when no one is looking.”
  • Solid Foundation: The program fosters long-term social, emotional, and intellectual growth, providing high-quality Montessori education all the way through middle school.

A few buzzwords that are associated with PCMS:

Consistent with Montessori philosophy, these are things we teach and/or practice:

  • Respect — for self, for others, for the environment
  • Service — seeing a need and meeting it
  • Diversity — a lovely mix of students and staff
  • Community — children, families, and staff working together
  • The Triangle is an equilateral triangle representing the interrelationship and necessary balance of student, family, and school. When all contribute equally, the result is a successful student and a solid citizen.

Statement of Non-Discrimination:  Plymouth-Canton Montessori School does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of gender, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, sexual orientation, or disability.


In the Spotlight

An education capable of saving humanity is no small undertaking; it involves the spiritual development of man, the enhancement of his value as an individual, and the preparation of young people to understand the times in which they live.”

Dr. Maria Montessori

A Note from the Head of School

Julie_BawulskiWelcome to Plymouth-Canton Montessori School

On behalf of our amazing educational community, I want to extend a very warm welcome to Plymouth-Canton Montessori School. Founded in 1972, our school has provided education for a more peaceful world for over 50 years.

It is with great pride that I serve as Head of School for Plymouth-Canton Montessori School. As a former Montessori student myself, I have had the pleasure of growing up Montessori. Throughout my career, I have had the privilege of teaching students from toddlers through high school in both public and private settings, but Montessori has always been my home.

Our school is a special community of children, parents, faculty, administrators, board members, and friends working together to create an environment that promotes a love of learning, as well as working to educate the whole child and, in doing so, creating lifelong learners.

Based on years of educational research, we believe that children can and must learn to accept responsibility, develop independence, and make decisions that help manage their own learning. Working individually with their teachers, Plymouth-Canton Montessori School students are actively involved in driving their own educational experience through planning. They supplement their core academics with materials and topics of their own interest. They also participate in evaluating and communicating their own educational progress.

Our program rests on four pillars:

  • The cultivation within our students of a passion for excellence in everything they do, both in and outside of school.
  • The development of a strongly held set of universal values includes self-respect, respect for others, honesty, integrity, responsibility, empathy, compassion, kindness, peacefulness, a sense of concern for others, warmth, and a love of community.
  • The development of a global perspective and sense of international understanding.
  • The commitment to contribute to society in meaningful ways.

Through their years at Plymouth-Canton Montessori School, our students acquire strong academic skills, yet also:

  • Maintain their love for learning, creativity, and discovery
  • Develop a sense of responsibility and confidence about themselves and the world
  • Build a strong foundation for lifelong decision-making, problem-solving, and critical thinking
  • Become well-rounded and socially adept individuals

We take great honor in being able to share this journey with your family!

With Appreciation,

Julie Bawulski
Head of School


“We must help the child to act for himself, will for himself, think for himself; this is the art of those who aspire to serve the spirit.”


The Montessori Foundation*

Montessori FoundationThe Montessori Foundation was established in 1992 to create an independent source of assistance, encouragement, and support for the international Montessori community. The mission of the Montessori Foundation is to nurture, inspire, and support the development of strong, successful Montessori schools worldwide.

The Foundation works with Montessori schools worldwide. Through its magazine, Tomorrow’s Child, books, videos, and other publications, it also works to promote interest and understanding of Montessori among parents, educators, and schools that are interested in learning more about Montessori education.

The Montessori Foundation sponsors workshops, institutes, online courses, and international conferences for Montessori educators, school administrators, and board members. The Montessori Foundation reflects a heritage of international education and a commitment to the highest standards of Montessori program and curriculum development, implementing cutting-edge educational technology and developing a strong sense of community and family friendliness within our schools.

In 1998, The Montessori Foundation organized and administers the International Montessori Council: an independent membership organization for Montessori schools, parents, and educators worldwide. 

The International Montessori Council accredits Montessori schools, promotes best practices, and encourages and recognizes innovative approaches to Montessori teacher education and professional leadership training.

The Montessori Foundation and International Montessori Council work together with Montessori schools, parents, and local and national Montessori organizations to promote the mission of the Montessori movement to encourage partnership-based parenting, partnership-based Montessori schools, and the highest standards of Montessori education.

Visit the Foundation’s website at montessori.org.